Everyone is looking for Free Fire special Air dop but you are unable to get it till now. Fed up with fake tricks? guys, in this article I am providing a genuine trick to you by which you can able to hack Free Fire AirDrop offer. Hello gamers, welcome to my blog, as you know Free Fire gives a top-up of Rs.10 to only those users who are new in Free Fire and have not any legendry weapon skins. But, in this article, I am going o tell you about a trick by which you guys can get Free Fire top up in your account no matter if you have any legendry weapon because this hack trick is working for all the users of Free Fire. Stay tuned!
What is a Free Fire AirDrop Offer?
Free Fire is come up with an AirDrop Event according to which the user has a chance to get loot top-up recharge in which they can get the free Diamonds, special gifts, weapons skins etch by participating in it. Users have to kill the enemy in the classic matches to increase their chances of getting airdrops. If you have not received a Special Airdrop offer yet, then try the given steps to avail of the offer. Stick with us!
How To Get Free Fire Special AirDrop
- First of all, you have to create a new account in Free Fire
- Select your Character and enter your name
- Now, pay Classic game in Free Fire
- Increase your level to 15th
- After that, you have to play the classic Strike Mode
- There, you have to maximize your kill to 10 to 12
- You are a new account holder, you can get the Airdrop very easily
- Keep in mind, rewards in Airdrop may verrry from player to players
- After you receive the Airdrop you can directly pay via Paytm
- Enjoy Rs.10 Free Fire Airdrop
Guys, by following the above steps you can get the airdrop from one time. Now, I am going to give you a hack in this offer by which anyone can get this offer. Stay tuned!
How To Hack Free Fire AirDropm Top Up Offer
- To hack Free Fire Special airdrop, firstly, you have to clear the cache file and history of the game
- After that, unequipped your legendry weapons skins and set it to default
- Now, play Classic Strike Mode and unchecked Royal Mode
- Gamers have to play Classic Strike Mode Out Mode Bermuda
- In the game, you have to kill at least 15
- Keep performing well in the game and if you are lucky you will get Free Fire Airdrop again
- You can pay the amount directly via Paytm App
- Keep trying these steps again and again to get more airdrop
Free Fire Rs.29 Special Airdrop Offer List

The difference between Rs.10 top up and Rs.29 top-up airdrop is that you can get Rs.29 airdrop unlimited times. Have a look at the steps to unlock Rs.29 Airdrop in Garena FREE FIRE.
- Firstly, open the Free Fire game on your device
- Repeat the above process
- Unequipped weapons skins and set it to default
- Now, keep in mind, then you can try this trick in the gap of 7 days at least
- Then, play a classic match and kill at least 10
- Wait for the Free Fire reward then
- If you are on the list of Free Fire Airdrop claiming offers then you will get your rewards
- That's it! Thanks for choosing OyeLeCoupons
Final Words
Readers, I hope now you understood the given hack trick. Just apply the given hack method to avail free airdrop offer. For more related articles be with OyeLeCoupons. Thank you for sharing your precious time with OyeLeCoupons!